How to pass WAEC excellently..
How to pass WAEC excellently..

It is the dream of every student sitting for WAEC to obtain the best results, this drives some puzzling questions like, how to pass WAEC excellently, into their minds, this question is taken care of in this post.

Makes me recall years ago when I was preparing to write my WAEC, I happened to be a student who believed that I can always scale through any examination hurdle with adequate preparation, of course, was because I don’t wait for exams to become fast approaching before I begin my preparations, after every closing hours, I read and study my notes almost every-day and discusses unclear topics with my classmates and teachers and that helped me in my exams a lot.


Firstly, successes in every examination start from our mindsets from the very moment we agree to sit for the examination, so if you go about with a doubtful mindset that this is a very difficult stage for you to excel, then you might have as well prepared yourself for failure. It is therefore advisable for every student willing to sit for any examination to conclude in their mind that they definitely will perform excellently and obtain a very good result at the completion of such examination, WAEC inclusive to be precise.

How to pass WAEC excellently

The following examination tips listed below will guide you on how to pass WAEC excellently and can undoubtedly become your sure links to excelling greatly in your WAEC as well as other examinations, will in turn if followed and practiced critically help you to actualize your dream of having the best WAEC results among your peers.

What are the 5 best examination tips?

Although there are other various means and methods one can use to secure a good WAEC result, a whole lot of them, help you achieve a great WAEC result, this post will be based on the 5 most important of them.

How to pass WAEC excellently

  1. Be determined
  2. Always read to understand
  3. Use the WAEC syllabus as a guide to your study
  4. Avoid distractions
  5. Practice past questions

Be Determined

Determination is a necessary tool for every success-seeking student and business owner and it is synonymous with the kind of mindset and conclusion one makes before the inception of a given task, so if you are on the search for how to pass WAEC excellently, it is also one of the tools you need. You as a student preparing to write your WAEC must have regulated your mindset towards believing that you definitely will perform excellently in your exams.


You need not reason otherwise of the outcome, this will be your starting point to achieving success in your exams as it will help you to eradicate fears and embrace confidence which is needed to help you do well in the task ahead of you. Self-determination doesn’t mean you should be pompous or neglect the necessary facts that you need to prepare anyways for your exams, rather, it is in other words telling you to believe in yourself and avoid confidence-sucking fears. Avoid the fear of failure buddy.

Always read to understand

Now your WAEC exams are here, fast approaching and the next thing you want to start doing is to hurriedly read randomly and cover all of the topics you have treated from the date of resumption before your first paper, no buddy, that’s not something a good and serious student is expected to do.

The untold and uncommon truth about WAEC exam preparations as well as every other exam is that your strength in understanding whatever topic you decide to read within that short period of time when your exams are fast approaching depends on how much you initially know about the topic, speaking of your knowledge accumulation about the topic before that time, did you get that rightly?

So it is advisable for every student to always read their notes every day and after every closing hour from school, you should leave no topic unattended, this will be an immense help to passing your WAEC exam with flying colors as you will not have to finish the bulky syllabus in a short time. we will quickly enlighten you below on how to fully understand everything you read.

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Tips for Understanding What You Read

The strategies below have always been helpful and aided in understanding:

  • Pay proper attention to every word in each sentence and always check out the meaning of every grammar in the dictionary to decipher what they mean.
  • Create in your mind a detailed pictorial representation of examples cited in your textbooks, and be sure of their relations before agreeing to continue reading.
  • Avoid multitasking yourself when reading, you actually cannot be on Facebook viewing newsfeeds or watching movies on Netflix while reading to understand, you are most likely going to end up not achieving your aim that way, so do away with such distractions.
  • Avoid rushing to continue reading on the next page if you haven’t understood the initial page fully, that’s going to make you want to quickly cram, read critically between the lines and leave no stones untouched, ask questions and let someone with better understanding knowledge about the topic help you to understand as well before you get on with the next page.
  • Discuss what you read, and teach it to others, it has been practically proven over time by scientists that we hardly forget completely what we teach others, rather we get to have a better understanding of them. So it is recommended that students should discuss whatever they’ve read for greater assimilation and understanding.
  • Lastly, study in a quiet environment to aid with your focus and attention

Use the WAEC syllabus as a guide to your study

Many students do not know how much of a secret weapon the WAEC syllabus is, its usefulness cannot be less emphasized if properly utilized by the students, it will easily help them to know where exactly to focus and channel their energy when reading, it entails the guide to topics they are likely to encounter in their exams. Students should avoid reading randomly outside the syllabus as it might in the end proved to be a futile effort.

Avoid Distractions

It is a known fact that the world has gone digital, the modern-day students now have access to social media at their tender ages, they spend more time on Facebook, Twitter, and their likes than they do with their books, and some want to go play football or visit friends, some might want to watch movies.

Yes, all works and no play make Jack a dull boy, as the popular saying goes, but all of these in reality check are distractions to students preparing to write WAEC. Students should endeavor to avoid these distractions as much as they can, and intentionally shift their attention and focus on how to pass WAEC excellently. You need to focus on the task ahead.

Practice past questions

The truth is there actually are very few new WAEC questions today, it is now mostly the rebranding of the old questions, this is one of the major reasons students need to enquire about the past WAEC questions and put answering them into practice. Do not waste your precious time trying to answer a question you don’t understand after long periods as you can always come back to attempt them, just get on with questions you understand best.


The above write-up should guide you on how to pass WAEC excellently, It is very possible for you to pass your WAEC exams with flying colors, but first, you need to give it the appropriate approach. Thanks for reading and please do recommend this post to other students to help them facilitate a very good and presentable WAEC result. drop your questions in the comment section below.

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