
Are you looking for an update about when the WAEC 2022-2023 is most likely to commence? Are you on the search for how much you are going to need for the WAEC 2022-2023 registration as well as the requirements that qualify you to sit for the exam and other WAEC-related questions? If the answer to this is yes, then you need not search further elsewhere as this post is going to provide you with the needed information for your WAEC 2022-2023 registration.

When will WAEC 2022-2023 start?

The West Africa examination council (WAEC) has made it known to the public that the exam is going to hold this year in May/June as was in the old tradition of the examination board.


This is in contrast to the way the board conducted the past recent WAEC between the 8th, and 10th months of the year, which of course was influenced by the aftermath of the covid19 pandemic that hit the country and destabilized the country’s academic calendar, WAEC 2022-2023 has been scheduled to begin Monday 9th may 2022 and will come to an end on Monday 20th June 2022.

Read About: How to pass WAEC excellently

What are the requirements for WAEC 2022-2023 registration?

The following requirements must be met by every student aspiring to register for the 2022 WAEC SSCE, they are

  • The National Identity Number (NIN)- it was earlier directed by WAEC that one of the most important criteria to be met by students who are planning to sit for 2022/2023 WAEC is the registration and possession of the NIN, you can enroll for the NIN registration by visiting any of the NIMCregistration centers close to your location to get yours.
  • WAEC epin
  • Passport photographs
  • Candidate’s address
  • Other desired subjects they wish to register as General Mathematics and English Language are automatically marked compulsory for all students.

How much is the registration fee for the 2022-2023 WAEC?

There actually are usually two major categories of WAEC candidates as categorized by the examination board every year, and these are the school candidates and private candidates, this section of this post is however going to major on the registration fee for the school candidates.

Students who are referred to as school candidates are those candidates that register for their WAEC SSCE examination through schools, they are otherwise called the internal students.

The WAEC registration fee for school candidates has however been increased to (N18,000) from the initial (N13,950).


When will the registration for WAEC 2022-2023 begin and ends?

The registration for the 2022 WAEC will commence on the 8th of February 2022 and the deadline for both the online and offline registration is the 30th of April 2022

The students should NOTE that WAEC has made it known to the public that there will be no extension to the deadline date set for the 2022 WAEC registration and they are therefore advised to make their registrations earlier before the chosen deadline date.

If there are any questions about the registration procedures of the 2022 WAEC that you might need us to help you with, please kindly drop your questions in the comment section beneath this post.

Online registration procedures for WAEC 2022-2023. How to register online:

The following steps highlighted below are to guide you on how you can successfully go about the online registration for the 2022 WAEC;


  • Scroll down on your phone or computer system to where you find an Icon on your right-hand side and click on it, select the GENERAL INFORMATION”.
  • Click on where you see HOW TO REGISTER”, this will in turn redirect you to the proper registration procedures.
  • Click on AVAILABLE SUBJECTS” to see the complete list of subjects available for WAEC registration and you select those you wish to register among these.
  • After your subject selection, Tap on the AVAILABLE EXAM TOWNS” to view the complete list of towns available to write your exams and select your most preferred town among them.
  • Click on the BIOMETRIC DATA CAPTURE SOFTWARE” to download the WAEC biometric data capture software.
  • Tap on the REGISTRATION FORM tab to download the form for registration of the WAEC.
  • Select the REGISTRATION PIN” to download the registration pin.

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