Against The Grain Artistic Scholarship...
Against The Grain Artistic Scholarship...

You will learn about the Against The Grain artistic scholarship in this article as you continue to read on.

Against the Grain is an organization whose major objective is the provision of financial support to Asian American college students through four different categories of scholarships. However, the artistic scholarship is set aside to appreciate amazing and talented Asian American artist students.


About the Against the Grain Artistic scholarship

The Artistic scholarship is aimed at providing financial assistance as well as promotion to Asian American college undergraduates pursuing a career in the performing/visual arts, Journalism, and/or Mass communications.

Against the grain artistic scholarship: Eligibility Requirements

Applicants for the Artistic scholarship must meet the following criteria listed below-

  • Must be at least 25% Asian or belong to the Pacific Islander ethnicity
  • Must be a citizen of the U.S, or a legal permanent resident of the U.S.
  • Must be either a high school senior or a college student currently enrolled at an accredited U.S. vocational, junior college, or university and must be a full-time associate/bachelor/master degree seeking student by the forthcoming academic calendar year and must be one pursuing a career in performing/visual arts.
  • Must be one who has demonstrated leadership and selfless qualities by participating in extracurricular, community services and their likes.
  • Must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.

Methods of selection of successful applicants

Successful candidates are selected by the scholarship board members using the combined 5 criteria listed below, applicants with the highest cumulative points are usually awarded the scholarship-  these include:

  • Quality of content submission (essay, artistic portfolio)
  • Academic performances
  • Leadership/community service experience and contribution
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Phone/physical committee interview.

Against the grain artistic scholarship: The worth and disbursement means

A total sum of $1,000 which is going to be applied to the student’s tuition and fees will be disbursed directly to the educational institution in the student’s name.

Against the grain artistic scholarship: How to apply

Click on to start your application

To apply for the artistic scholarship, eligible applicants must complete the following procedures-

  • Complete and fill in the required details in the application form
  • Upload all the necessary files as instructed in the application form
  • Construct an essay of 500 words answering the following topics

-What does it mean to you to go against the grain?

-How do you go against the grain?

-How does your art affect change in a community?

Then submit to complete your application process.

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