Guiding you on how to get a football scholarship- top 3 methods
You will learn how to successfully land a football scholarship at the end of this article. Read on, to find out.
How to get a football scholarship
The fact that football has proved to be a very lucrative job and a fun-filled one has greatly influenced its popularity across the world, it is a type of sport that almost every sports lover in the world knows about its mode of operation. This makes landing a scholarship for everyone who is talented in playing the round-leather game a dream, as it can be a starting point for them to become professional footballers in the future. You should not think otherwise of your dream as it is very possible to make it a reality with hard work, dedication, and patience.
Below is the step-step guide on how to get a football scholarship.
How to get a football scholarship
(1) Meeting up with the academic requirements– this is subdivided into the following
- Early preparation
- Attending the right classes
- Acquiring good grades
- Scoring high on the ACT test
- Obeying the NCAA rules and regulations
Early preparation- just as every goal-hunting student-athlete, the best period to kick-start your career is immediately after your enrollment into the academy. You might think the college coaches are not taking cognizance of your performances probably because you’re a freshman but the truth is your tests start immediately after you get recruited. Make research on the required GPA to achieve your dream, and get to know the courses that will satisfy the National Collegiate Athletic Association’s (NCAA) most important courses. Give it your all from the beginning and create a good aura around yourself to endear your coaches to your personality.
Attending the right classes- To be eligible for the NCAA, there are certain compulsory courses one needs to take, you can always check the NCAA official website for your specific requirements. Division 1 athletes for instance are expected to have good grades in English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. It is advisable you talk to your superior colleagues and high school guidance counselor about these core course requirements to avoid yourself doing the wrong thing.
Acquire and maintain good grades- The majority of student-athletes believe all they need is to be talented in football, but the truth is that your talent might not just be enough to secure you a scholarship, colleges often are on the search for a student who is talented in football and can as well do well in academics, maintaining a strong GPA can serve as an added value to your talent when seeking a football scholarship.
Score high on your ACT test- The ACT test covers the basic subjects required to gain NCAA eligibility, these include English, Mathematics, and natural sciences reasoning. Obtaining high scores on the ACT will further increase your chances of landing a scholarship as your score alongside your good GPA will be used by the scholarship board members when considering you for the program.
Avoid breaching the NCAA regulations- Be a very loyal law-abiding student-athlete, and do not display any irrational acts that may warrant your expulsion from the college. Student-athletes will be served the guides to expected right moral behavior upon recruitment. It is advisable that you adhere to and act strictly according to these guides in order to ensure that your goal is achieved in college.
How to get a football scholarship
(2) Discussing your aim and forming acquaintances with the coaches– several ways to go about this are listed as follows
- Create a list of your desired colleges
- Understanding the scholarship division levels
- Mastering the recruiting calendars
- Reach out to college coaches

Create a list of your desired colleges- just like every student seeking admission into a higher institution, certain things are to be taken into consideration before agreeing to choose a college, as a student-athlete, you should take into account the school’s influence, location, history and available facilities needed to aid your study, etc, every detail is important as they on the long run could be the determinant of your chances of obtaining good grades to increase your chances of landing a scholarship.
Understanding the scholarship division levels- know which division offers the best form of scholarship, Division I is the most suitable as it offers mostly full football scholarships. However, it is necessary you understand the operation modes of every division.
Mastering the recruiting calendars- There is always a period of time set aside for college coaches to reach out to potential and scholarship-stricken student-athletes, visit the NCAA website from HERE and read more on their recruiting calendars.
Reach out to college coaches- Student-athletes are expected to explore beyond their high school advisors, you should reach out to coaches from other reliable colleges who direct football programs via emails, calls, or meeting them in person, and discuss your plans with them, seek of their opinion on how to go about succeeding in your plans.
How to get a football scholarship
(3) Outstanding performances among your peers– This is where the exhibition of your talent comes in, give your all in every trial, you should leave no stone unturned and display unique talent among your peers. You should further sign on with sites that specialize in working with pre-professional athletes within your locality.
Click to read about more scholarships
Closing Remarks
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You can also read for guides on how to win a golf scholarship.