Tips For Learning New Words- Making new words your own
Tips For Learning New Words- Making new words your own

In this article, we have provided you with 5 tips for learning new words, and some guides on how you can make use of and make new words your own within a very short while. Oftentimes, questions about how to improve vocabulary are asked by students and enthusiastic learners.

There are many reasons why you need to expand your knowledge of the English language and use of words, some of which include developing great communication skills between yourself and other stakeholders, this will aid in fostering an effective end to every target and goal aimed at, in every discussion.


As you read along every text, it is important to note that new words can easily be looked up in the dictionary, but in other to ensure that there is no glitch to your understanding while reading, there are some tactical tips for learning new words before resorting to the dictionary for proper understanding of these words.

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4 Tips for Learning New Words and Identifying New Words

At the end of this section, you will learn about ways to identify and guess the meaning of new words

Marking out unfamiliar words:

One who reads appropriately easily identifies new words used in a sentence, it is important to understand these words before going on to read. Marking out new words is the first step to take when trying to understand every text in a passage.

Making an educated guess about new words meaning with respect to the context employed in their usage in each paragraph:

Guessing may not necessarily give the exact meaning of a word, but it is a good way to easily get yourself to understand its meaning. You can always look up the right meaning later on in the dictionary.

How to Guess and Find the Meaning of a Word

  • First, pronounce the word, and examine the sound using the right phonetics for its pronunciation.
  • Examining the structure of the word, look for reasons why such a word is used, and see if you can tell how the prefixes and suffixes shape the root meaning.
  • Check the context in which the word is used and see if you can find the meaning of the word used, if you can guess a different word with a similar meaning, the alternative idea may get you close to the meaning of the word.
  • Look up the meaning in the dictionary and relate its translation to the whole narration of the remaining text.

Lexis and Structure


5 Tips for Learning New Words

1. Reading Promptly

Reading novels, magazines and newspapers are one of the good ways to go about learning and identifying new words. The more you read various materials, the more you are likely to come across new words.

As you read and uncover new words, try to work out (make a guess) the meaning from the sentence, you can also look up the definition from a dictionary. Write down new words and make sure you make of these words to get yourself conversant with them in no time. This will help to improve your vocabulary.

2. Make use of a Dictionary and Thesaurus

Dictionaries document the meaning of almost every English word in existence. It is an important tool for every enthusiastic learner to have. The thesaurus will give you the idea of a synonymous as well as the opposite word to use instead.

There are various tips for learning new words, you uncover a new word, and look it up in the dictionary to get both its pronunciation and its meaning(s).

3. Own Record of New Words

Writing down every new word you discover is one of the best ways to go about when learning new words. This will help you to easily recognize the words when you come across them in other places.

Keeping a record of the words you’ve learned will help you to even make research more words.

4. Make use of New Words when Having a Conversation

Another tip for making new words your own is to make use of the words you’ve discovered anytime you are having a conversation. This will help you to get used to these words.

The more you talk to people the more you will learn new words from your conversation. This is as well the simplest logic to help yourself get conversant with new words.

Do not forget however to always include these words in your records as you discover them.

5. Learn at least a word Everyday

You will find some tips for learning new words every day in this section

  • Engage in conversations
  • Play some games
  • Read articles on the internet as well as textbooks

It is noteworthy to admit the beauty of keen and constant learning. Learning new words every day will improve your vocabulary. Within a short while, one would’ve built a strong list of personal dictionary if this technique is employed.

Playing games that involve word-building like scrabbles, anagrams, and word puzzles will help expand and widen your learning horizon.

Tips for Learning New Words: The Summary

Making new words your own is important and can be achieved using these 5 tips for learning new words provided above in this article. To cap your understanding adequately, we advised that you should always put the new words you’ve learned into use.

Finally, remember that learning new words will automatically improve your communication skills and strengthen your use of the English language. Good Luck with your learning adventures.

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