Laura Bassi Scholarship 2022..
Laura Bassi Scholarship 2022..

The Laura Bassi Scholarship 2022 is an editing press scholarship that was originally established in 2018 with the aim of providing editorial assistance to postgraduates and junior academics whose research is mainly about neglected topics of study broadly related to their disciplines.

The scholarship program is open to every discipline and is usually awarded three times a year-December, April, and August. The scholarships value are remitted through editorial assistance as follows:


Master’s candidate: $750

Doctoral candidate: $2500

Junior academics: $500

The above figures are applicable to the upper bracket of costs of editorial assistance for master’s theses, doctoral dissertations, and academic journal articles respectively.

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Laura Bassi Scholarship 2022: Eligible Applicants

  • All currently enrolled master’s and doctoral candidates are eligible to apply
  • All junior academics in the first five years of their employment into editing press are also eligible to apply

Note– The Laura Bassi Scholarship holds no institutional, departmental, or national restrictions for its applicant.

How to apply

Candidates can apply for the Laura Bassi Scholarship 2022 as follows:

Applications forms are required to be completed and submitted by applicants alongside their CV using the portal prompted by the Apply button below before the deadline.

Visit the official website for more information and to apply

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