How To Write A Cover Letter For A Scholarship...
How To Write A Cover Letter For A Scholarship...

One of the qualities a good scholar must-have is, knowing how to write a cover letter for a scholarship.

This helps to project a convincing impression on the scholarship committees and goes so far as to convince them that you are more than worth investing in.


An irresistible cover letter is another characteristic sought by scholarship committees. They would like to know about your ideology and dedication towards your studies, more of the reason you are worthy of the scholarship investment, and probably put in measure, what productivity level is to be expected of you after landing the scholarship.  

Writing a good cover letter is the perfect opportunity for you to make your ambitions and valuable interests in your education known to the scholarship organizers. This will serve to prove to them that you are worthy of earning their financial support if written properly.

You will learn in this article our helpful tips on how to write a cover letter for a scholarship application. Visual examples of some well-written cover letter for scholarships application is also provided in this post as well as a carefully thought-out detailed guide on how to write a cover letter for a scholarship application.

Read on to learn how to write an outstanding cover letter below!

What Is A Scholarship Cover Letter?

A scholarship application letter is a cover letter written by intending scholars and submitted to the scholarship committees. This cover letter is written in a bid to show your interest in the available scholarship award and to point out ways in which the scholarship award can be of immense help to you in facilitating your career goals and achievements.

 It is otherwise referred to as a scholarship consideration request type of letter.


Scholarships application letters are usually submitted to the scholarship committees alongside the candidate’s important documents.

The principal aim of the scholarship application letter and the submission of these documents is to persuade the committees that you are worthy and eligible for the scholarship award in question.

Why do you need to write a scholarship cover letter?

It is a known fact that landing a scholarship award can be a challenging task. This is so because scholarship awards are usually competitive with respect to the large numbers of applicants.

So, to land these scholarships, you have to be an outstanding candidate among other applicants for the award.

Your grades and high entrance examination scores might not be enough to get you noticed for consideration by the organization granting the scholarship.

So, writing a compelling application cover letter is one of the tools that put you on the advantage foot. Your cover letter will embody your career goals, and dedication as well as make your desires and passion for education known to the scholarship committees.

This, alongside the screening of your impressive documents, will greatly improve your chances of getting them convinced that you are highly eligible to receive their financial support.

Tips on how to write a cover letter for a scholarship application

Are you thinking about where to start? Below are some tips to help you get started.

1. Be Specific With Your Points:

As much as it is important to include some important details about yourself in your scholarship application letter, you should also note that your letter should include only vital information that is related to the requirements of the scholarship committees.

You are not to include all of your life stories in your scholarship write-up. Make sure to focus your letter only on providing the primary information required to promote your request to earn the financial aid of the organizers.

We provided you with detailed tips on what is to be included and also what you need to avoid writing about in your scholarship cover letter at the end of this section.

2. Start With An Attention-Driven Sentence In Your First Paragraph:

The best way to go about drawing the interest of the scholarship committees is to customize your cover letter.

 This, however, depends on what form of scholarship you are applying for. Some scholarships are awarded based on the aim of providing financial support for less privileged students while some are initiated to appreciate outstanding academic performances by individuals.

Know what form of scholarship you are applying for and focus on hitting the vital points required by the committee.

What Details Do You Need To Include In Your Cover Letter?

  • An overview of your personality:  This should only include a brief introduction of yourself.
  • Display your desire and dedication to winning the scholarship.
  • It is also expected of you to state your strategic plans on the application for the scholarship if you are given the opportunity.
  • • Find a compelling reason why you are more deserving of the scholarship.

What Must You Not Include In Your Scholarship Application Cover Letter?

How To Write a Cover Letter For A Scholarship...
How To Write a Cover Letter For a Scholarship…

Avoid making the following mistakes in your scholarship application cover letter

Avoid grammatical errors:

Spelling mistakes and incoherent sentences should be completely avoided when writing a cover for a scholarship.

These avoidable mistakes could be costly as every error will be penalized by the scholarship committees.

Double-check your spellings and sentences before going ahead to submit your application letter. You can have another person read your letter and provide you with a more objective opinion about it.

Avoid stressing points on your weaknesses:

One of the main items that will be watched out for in your cover letter by the scholarship committee is where exactly your strength lies.

They want to know what progressive impact you could make with the opportunity if given to you. So, in order for you to boost your chances of landing the scholarship award, what you are expected to do in your letter is to channel your point on stressing your potential and avoid making your weaknesses known to the committees.

Do not use an informal words in your cover letter:

Just as with every formal letter, a cover letter for a scholarship should be written with adequate seriousness.

Therefore, avoid using informal tones in your write-up as that would only create an impression of unseriousness about you. Informal tones are red flags in formal letters and should be avoided.

Avoid including unnecessary information:

This is one trap you might find yourself falling into if care is not taken when writing a cover letter for a scholarship. But doing this will only make your cover letter unappealing to the committee.

To avoid this, make sure you focus on primary details that are only related to the scholarship.

 It is not a story-telling type of letter, do not include information like, your height, family tree, or even body complexion in your letter as they are unrelated to the subject and are not needed by the committee.


Do not hold back on including your need for financial support in your application letter for a scholarship. This does not make you sound or look desperate, rather, it is a cornerstone to helping you get considerable support from the organizers.

The aim of scholarships is to help create leverage in applicants’ financial instability, so, telling the scholarship organizers about your need for financial assistance is a good thing to do.

How To Write A Cover Letter For A Scholarship

As we have provided you with vital tips on how to write an impressive and compelling application letter for a scholarship in the previous section, in this section of this post, we explained what the structure of your scholarship cover letter should look like.

Read through to learn and find out how to do this below!

Components of a cover letter

The components of a cover letter for a scholarship, just as every other formal letter, can be broken down into five main parts. This includes

  • Address/Personal Information
  • Salutations and the introductory paragraph
  • Main Body of the letter paragraph
  • Closing paragraph
  • Closing remark /closing salutation

Details to be included in each paragraph highlighted above:

Your address/personal information should include the following details

Applicants’ name – Applicants’ email address – Applicant’s mailing address


Name of the scholarship organization

Address of the scholarship organization

The scholarship organization’s contact address

In the salutation and introductory paragraph, the structure should go thus.

Dear (Mr / Ms) / (scholarship committee collective name)

Start the introductory aspect by introducing yourself briefly. This can be accompanied by stating your experience in the specific field, you can go on by letting the scholarship committee know about what media you got the information about the available scholarship and why you are interested in landing the scholarship for yourself.

The main body of the letter.

The next paragraph is where you need to make justice to why you undoubtedly are the most worthy candidate for the scholarship. This part should be done with some perfection as it usually is the part that determines whether or not you are going to be considered for the scholarship award.

It embodies your related experiences and skills, academic qualifications, and others, depending on what form of scholarship you are applying for. However, do not make it too long and unreadable for the committee.

The closing paragraph

Here, is where you restate your interest in the scholarship and why you should be considered for it. You can end your statement by making the committee know that you would appreciate the offer if given the opportunity.

Closing Remark

Close up your letter with either of the following remarks.

Yours sincerely – Best regards

(Your name)


Do we hope you find this post about how to write a cover letter for a scholarship helpful? Check-in here for more scholarship news. We wish you good luck with your applications. Do not forget to leave a comment in the section provided below.

Different Scholarships Application Cover Letters Templates To Download

Download a cover letter for a scholarship for high school

Scholarship letter for financial need pdf

Download a sample of a cover letter for a university scholarship


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Visit our scholarship page for scholarship news

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